
Wheat is used to feed people, livestock and has a small number of industrial uses. The higher protein and gluten levels found in good quality hard wheats suit their uses in bread flour. We also see hard wheats used in the production of tortillas, noodles and other goods Soft wheat varieties are more suited to producing flour for cookies, cakes, doughnuts, pastries, flat breads and crackers. Livestock are less fussy than us humans, so any hard or soft wheat is usually used in their feed.

Quality of GOST Standard:

5 grades of wheat in Russia.

1st class 14.5 protein / 32 % wet gluten

2nd class 13.5 protein / 28 % wet gluten.

3rd class 12.5 protein / 23 % wet gluten.

4th class. 11 protein / 18 % wet gluten.

5th class. Feed wheat. No min protein/gluten

GOST Gluten= +2% for ISO result.